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2005-08-27 06:41:48
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   You see children, these horrible little beings reproduce at an incredible rate, fueled by a mixture of Hot Topic and Marilyn Manson. If they are not stopped the gothic subculture and music itself will be forgotten. It is already taking a beating by everyone who mocks it out of ignorance. They make fun of it because they have never known what true goth is and their perceptions are blurred by what these little 'I-hate-the-world-because-mommy-doesn't-love-me-enough' teenagers are portraying. They will no longer be allowed to use this label.

   You'll notice I simply refer to goth as 'it' and don't list specific examples. Before you attempt to spam me and complain (you can, but I assure you it won't spoil my night) I will say now that I do this to protect what this wiki stands for: REVEALING THE FALSE. Now, if I were to give them a hint or ground for their claims that would ruin this whole self-righteousness I have filled myself with.

Well, well, [Nymphette]. It's nice to know that your copy and paste skills aren't lacking.
When asked what goth was, as she claims she is in her profile (and all those that say they are goth, upon joining must explain what it is), she gave me a beautiful little explanation. I thought something was wrong with it though, as can be seen below in the wiki page containing it. I did a search to find out if my suspicions were correct, and they were.
Look familiar, Nymphette?
For being a cunt, you have been removed. I don't want whining either. You fucked up, not me.
Liar FG

Banners are up. Stick one in your house and show your support, douche and/or join the member list.
Fake Goth Banners
FG Members

And speaking of this:
The following fake goths need to remove our banner. You won't avoid ridicule by pretending to be a member. In fact, you'll be ridiculed even more.

[samantha louise!]

Originally this was a dear little list of Elftown members who are 'Fake Goths'. Now, as this appears to have become a problem with the number of reports sent to the guards, the list has been deleted and this will now serve as a forum to discuss this ongoing problem. Apparently people don't appreciate having their accounts violated. Ah, well. Either way, this wiki will continue as before, just without the list.

FG Supported Wikis
fake goths lost list


Temporary notice!
As [cuntstitches] is no longer able to devote her time to tending to her dear wiki, I [Lost in Illusions] have volunteered to take over for the time being.
That's right.
I'm the new master.
Bow down, bitches.

Username (or number or email):


2005-12-28 [Simply Real]: Way ahead of you on that one. Been to that point, got angery and pissed off, nearly walked away. Then I realized this walk is different for everyone, fallow my own convictions. Dont worry about the other guy and what he's doing or how I think I sould be. God "guides me" he doesnt controll me. Its not his spirit to do so, and even if it was I wouldn't let it be so. I am sill very stubbern and need to let things go as I feel its time, or test things as I go opposed to just jumping into it all blindly... as some seem to think I have done. Should I preach, I preach from experience and things I, myself, have tested to be true. Again, if it wasn't so there would be no point and it would be

2005-12-28 [Simply Real]: innefective. Well yes, assuming God is going to "controll" ones life is foolish because he isnt about that at all. I can go weeks without talking to God, begging for him to controll my life. Because in a single prayer I can seek "guidance" and go off of that. Now should I want to be more directed or more effective in my walk, praying often would be wise. There are times, i have found, when im just like "ok please no God today I just want to be a normal young adult trying to live life" Hey I am still human after all and still have human desires, emotions and thoughts. If one is wise, they will find what works best for them. I know some people have NO faith whatsoever in themselves and LOVE

2005-12-28 [Lost in Illusions]: *confused* First, way ahead of me in what? Second, your style of worship and your style of preaching simply do not mesh for me, not that it's a bad thing, just makes you seem a bit hypocritical. And finally, is there more after "LOVE" in this last comment, because it looks like there may be more?

2005-12-28 [Simply Real]: to be controlled and lead by God. They pray for hours a day and do great and amazing things yes, but to me im just like... Ok... So far I still have my limits, as to not "overload" In time im sure ill grow into that.

2005-12-28 [Simply Real]: yeah, sorry, I got distracted, the whole message is up now. Way ahead in the ways I know not to seek controll from God everday as it will just cause one to feel controlled and pushed. We are allowed our free wills. Ive been hypocryticlal *smirks* not on purpose though, as it never is. But I have slid back on what I preached. Sad fact but to be honest, its the truth. Doesnt mean to say "ah heck with it" and just let it all slide... Yeah... I got lotsa learing and walking left to do on this journey...

2005-12-28 [Simply Real]: No, im not perfect and wont pretend to be. To be a hypocrit at times is one thing, to try and lie about it just makes it all that much worse. I think we've all been a bit hypcritical at one point. It's just do we hide that? Or be honest about it, and perhaps reveal something... Deeper.

2005-12-28 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: Btw... METAL X-MAS AND A HEAVY NEW YEAR!!!

2005-12-29 [spongemonkey]: haha. that was cuuuuuuuute *huggles*

2005-12-30 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: ::huggles back:: Thanks! Although... we actually wish this on halloween, when the goths, metalheads and a few others join together in a giant black horde and run around the streets in make-up and masks looking for a place to get drunk and have TONS OF FUN. Here, Halloween is considered The Metal X-mas. But... I feel it appropriate for X-Mas and NY anywho... And this year I REALLY have to learn to talk less... ::blushes and shuts up already::

2005-12-30 [Lost in Illusions]: The new year for us witchy types is on November first, the day of All Saints. And you are fine, Mr. Jino. Gods know I talk plenty for everyone here.

2005-12-31 [bluehaired007]: wow call me blond but are you guys goths are what the fuck are you guys? lol ................srry lol O_o

2005-12-31 [bluehaired007]: hey my old best friend was goth she was crazy cool

2005-12-31 [bluehaired007]: the reall goths are tight but the dumbass children that go to hottopic and do stupid shit like that are retarted i hate those ppl so what is a tru goth i dont want to be ignorant anymore (well tot he subject gothic of course) i am just curiouse becasue for this whole time no one has given me a straight answer i am into punk myself but some punks dont like goths but i personally dont care i just want to know what makes a goth a goth srry this is a stupid qestion but i would like an answer

2005-12-31 [Lost in Illusions]: Hot Topic is nothing but a breeding ground for the current "underground" fashion and culture that we have out now. I say we all go out in granny panties, cardigan sweaters, and pleated pants and skirts and start haunting Hot Topic.

2005-12-31 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: First, dear Bluehaired, some of us are goths and some of us are not. But we're all people, that detest Fake Goths plaguing our streets.          And now- since I live lie THOUSANDS OF MILES AWAY, I simply MUSt ask: What IS Hot Topic? ::blushes again:: Sorry for being so Ignorant!

2005-12-31 [Lost in Illusions]: oh.. it's an American (and probably canadian) chain store that embodies the very soul of the stereotypical goth.. type of black bondage clothing, tight anti-social shirts and whatnot.. though nowadays it's become much more attuned to pop-culture, which is emo. 

2005-12-31 [Goldice]: and another naive question here but what exactly is the definition of emo?

2006-01-01 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: An EMO is an extremely EMOTIONAL person, who is down. Now, any person has their emo-moments. But an actul emo is a person, who is always complaining and whining how their life sucks, and always looks for pity. And when you try o help them, they say a thank you and don't do shit. Emo's are always on the verge of suicide, but thei'd rather BRAG about how they want to kll themselves. rather than actually do it. If you give an emo a gun and say:"Ok. Shoot your head. See if I care." they'll not do it. Heck, emos just crave attention and that's why their constant whining is bothering. Take it from me- I wanted to commit suicide once. I was stopped through logic and a person with a few attempts

2006-01-01 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: behind her. And now I smoke, because I decided to slowly, but surely poison myself. No. Am I constantly whining about how life sucks and how I want to end it all because nobody loves me and I'm a worthless piece of shit? No. But emo's do. That's an emo. Emos may have TONS of friends, but they still cry out they be ALONE and MISUNDERSTOOD and that no one cares.   That's enough about emo's for now I think. If anyone wants to add something- please do.

2006-01-01 [Spanakopida]: emo stands for "emotive hardcore" or "emotive rock"

2006-01-02 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: Really? I was always told Emo stands for just plain (over)Emotional.

2006-01-02 [Goldice]: ok thanks

2006-01-05 [Spanakopida]: that's what the original genre of music was. emotive hardcore. and since here we're so obsessed with the real sides of things I thought youshould know.

2006-01-05 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: Hm... I never heard of "emotional hardcore". But then again I never heard "Gleam metal" as well, but have seen it as a term. WTF are those two things? ((so little actually reaches this country. WAA :''( )

2006-01-06 [Spanakopida]: I don't know what gleam metal is, but you can read alot about emo here:

2006-01-06 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: Thankies!

2006-01-07 [bluehaired007]: ok you guys are cool i am not gothic but i want in!! NOW!!!!! jk no but really i do

2006-01-07 [Simply Real]: Emo's just anoy me, the steriotype is just agravating. Not even always whiney, just "dress up" for the atention. Yes they have their little "cliques" and have many friends but again the second their alone its just lets throw on some greenday (used to be a cool band back when it was punk) and just think about ways to pity myself. I cant beleive emo has become pop culture, ITS TAKING OVER ....


2006-01-07 [Simply Real]: *Smirks*

2006-01-07 [Goldice]: wow angst too

2006-01-09 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: HAHAHA!!!

2006-01-09 [Goldice]: (was it meant to rhyme?)

2006-01-10 [spongemonkey]: pah!! silly rhyme. :3

2006-01-10 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: I liked it.

2006-01-11 [Spanakopida]: it's part of a songgg

2006-01-12 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: ^_^

2006-01-18 [Psychotic Insanity]: o.o

2006-01-18 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: =P

2006-01-20 [Psychotic Insanity]: Teehee. Hello...

2006-01-20 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: Hi?

2006-01-20 [Goldice]: hello

2006-01-21 [Psychotic Insanity]: How are you?

2006-01-21 [Goldice]: im good thanks what about everyone else?

2006-01-22 [Psychotic Insanity]: asdf

2006-01-23 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: I'm freezing. The weather was so pretty yesterday... And now it's C>O>L>D! I went out for five minutes and now, half an hour later, my years still feel cold...

2006-01-24 [pelv13]: pretty cold here too... still have snow, and i spent the day outside performing physical labor... *shivers*

2006-01-24 [beautiful _ darkness]: -dances- its so warm here in montana today

2006-01-25 [Miss Caeleigh]: no ones talking about fake goths in here. lol, what the hell?


2006-01-26 [Lost in Illusions]: Fake goths??? *Cringe* WHEEEERE??! KIIIIILLLLLLL!!!!!

2006-01-28 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: =P Let's see... Hm... Where can I find you one... OOH! I know! I'll try exploring my enemies and... ::puts on a badge saying:"I'm so goth, my wrists bleed themselves" and then puts on araggy, torn gay-looking black t-shirt with a sign that reads:"I'm Goth! I wanna kill myself and drown you in my tears":: There... I think that's enough from now... Any further and I'll reach my usual style of clothing... If you take out the signs.

2006-01-28 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: Oh yeah, I forgot... ::tries to go emo:: There. Transformation complete. "If you want to beat your enemy, you must first become your enemy and get to know him". And... Well... It's boring. I preffer REAL goths to fake ones any day... But... Someone needed a target...

2006-01-28 [Lost in Illusions]: I dont think you're going to find very many true victorian socialites in gothic dress and cordiality like they were in the 1800s..

2006-01-29 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: HEHEHE! Ok... We'll call them... Neo-goths?

2006-01-29 [Lost in Illusions]: in some strict senses, I suppose you could consider me a 'neo-goth.' I have certain tendencies that I could probably consider as such, especially that I enjoy the nighttime so much, far beyond just your typical clubber going dancing.. I dont know, I'd be able to describe it better if I wasnt so hungry and kinda tired.

2006-01-29 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: HEHE!! KK! Btw, I heard a great line from somewhere, that was addressed to Tolkien fans. I hope you understand the joke (I didn't. I haven't reat Tolkien). The line belongs to a fake goth. He's addressing a Tolkien-Fan, that he hates. The line was:"I'm Mor'goth Than you!"

2006-01-29 [Lost in Illusions]: I havent read Tolkien for a long while, so I dont remember, but there might be a person in the stories named "Mor'goth" or something to that effect.. which is where the joke comes in.

2006-01-29 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: Morgoth. there's a whole book called "Morgoth's ring". Morgoth actually means something like "the dark FOE" or something... I'm Mor' goth than you here is funny, because it means both being morE goth and being a DARKER FOE. ((I said they dislike eachother A LOT))

2006-01-30 [mutant virago]: Morgoth Bauglir (Morgoth means "The Dark Enemy", Bauglir is "The Constrainer"), originally named Melkor ("He Who Arises in Might"), is a fictional character of Middle-earth, created by J. R. R. Tolkien. At the creation of Tolkien's world, he was the most powerful of the Ainur (demigods). He contended with Eru (the Creator) in the Music of the Ainur, increasingly attempting to alter the music to his own design, but only ended up perverting its harmony. Melkor was the first to bear the title the Dark Lord in Middle Earth and is the principal antagonist in the book The Silmarillion. Morgoth drew about him an army of Balrogs and other assorted demons, who were Maiar whom he managed to >>

2006-01-30 [mutant virago]: trick or corrupt, and made war on Middle-earth and the Children of Ilúvatar, but was defeated by the Valar and was overthrown. He was first taken away in chains, and later cast out of the circles of Arda. (thank you! It explains much better than I can. ^^)

2006-01-31 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: HAHAHA! Anywho... I hope that helps explain why the situation was funny. =P

2006-01-31 [Lost in Illusions]: Yep, it was.

2006-01-31 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: Oh... BTW, all you HAVE heard the song "I must be emo" (or beemo for short), right?

2006-01-31 [mutant virago]: Indeed I have! And I LOVE it. The Emo Song, right? "Dear Diary. Mood: Apathetic." XD

2006-01-31 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: Yes. THAT one! It's so... so... SO REAL!!! SO TRUE!!! BWAHAHAHAHHAAA!!!

2006-02-01 [Lost in Illusions]: I havent heard it.. o_O

2006-02-01 [drakkar]: XD its awsome

2006-02-01 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: Hm... I got the link from... WATCH AND LAUGH!      BTW, there's a new wiki in town, that will try to gather punks, goths, whatevers and whatevers together... It's called We Are forming ((found it yesterday. with a little work it can be a good place... Where it doesn't matter wether you're Emo, true/fake goth or whatever... Wanna give it a look-see and offer assistance to make it a good place... Where you'll eventually find fake goths to smithe... The best way to have a nice fat turkey is to feed it first... =P))

2006-02-01 [drakkar]: thats a good philosophy

2006-02-01 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: What's a good philosophy? "Fatten your turkeys before thanksgiving"? ((hm... why don't we in BG have thanksgiving... One more holiday and reason not to go to school/uni...))

2006-02-01 [Lost in Illusions]: Hmmm... that is a good saying. Definitely a good wartime philosophy to live by.

2006-02-03 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: HEHEHE!!1 NOT a wartime philosophy. A pre/past wartime philosophy. If your enemy is a fatass, he'll be too lazy to fight, and there weill be a greater reward for you. But during the wore- the more you feed, the stronger they get.

2006-02-19 [spongemonkey]: [Goth bitch] <-- *laughing* I read this, and the only thing I could think about was how she spelled satanic wrong...

2006-02-19 [beautiful _ darkness]: that is that she spelt it wrong but also its kinda pathic that she is telling the whole world that she isnt a virgin and that she almost had a baby boy but lost it... its like she is asking for attention

2006-02-20 [spongemonkey]: yes...yes it is.

2006-02-20 [beautiful _ darkness]: ok i thought I might be the only noticing that

2006-02-20 [spongemonkey]: worry not, civilian! I think everyone caught that.

2006-02-20 [beautiful _ darkness]: ok good

2006-02-21 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: She IS craving attention... Hm... I wonder what she'd do if she entered Non-Virgin Pride... She'd show herself a truly shallow person perhaps?

2006-02-21 [beautiful _ darkness]: maybe

2006-02-22 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: ::shrugs and lights a cigarette::

2006-02-22 [Avoral]: I'll show those childses.

2006-02-22 [drakkar]: O.o......*stares at the cigartette before pulling a billard ball from the smoke*

2006-02-22 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: ::looks at Avoral, then looks almost amused at the ball:: Hm... ::shrugs, then takes out a gun out of the smoke:: Now this... Is more practical. ::makes the gun turn into smoke and takes another deep lung from the cigarette::

2006-02-22 [drakkar]: *tosses the billard ball back into the smoke making it vanish before lighting some inscense*

2006-02-22 [Avoral]: *Just kinda pulls some fried chicken out of the smoke*

2006-02-22 [Avoral]: Nothing like good old-fashioned carcinogenic soul food.

2006-02-22 [drakkar]: i suppose

2006-02-22 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: Y...up! ::continues to smoke with delight:: Ah... Sometimes I hate myself for becoming a smoker... And sometimes I find that I love being a smoker... And I remember why I started smoking.... Ah well... ::blows some smoke around him::

2006-02-22 [Avoral]: I figure I don't want to smoke anything that's not going to give me a suitable buzz. But cloves, mind you, I've been known to indulge from time to time.

2006-02-22 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: I've been known to smoke cigars as if they're cigarettes... But you know what I get a real buzz from? A hookah. THAT's something great...

2006-02-22 [Avoral]: That's got to tear your lungs apart. But I've never gotten the pleasure of trying out a hookah.

2006-02-22 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: It did tear my lungs apart... one of the first times... But... Last time I tried- I had no problems... And it was a nice, Cuban cigar... ::shrugs:: Ah well... There's some aspects of my body that are still a mystery to me...

2006-02-22 [Avoral]: Ooh. Dominican cigars I've had, but still nothing Cuban.

2006-02-22 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: ::shrugs:: My friend's father is a sailor...

2006-02-22 [Avoral]: Groovy.

2006-02-22 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: Heh! ::shrugs again:: I dunno. ::lights another cigarette::

2006-02-23 [beautiful _ darkness]: I quit smoking 4 months ago and Ive smoked a couple cigars and every once in awhile Ill smoke a ciggrate again usally because Im stressed

2006-02-23 [Avoral]: Yeah, I pretty much got bored and quit it all a little while back.

2006-02-23 [Avoral]: 'Cept a few drinks here and there.

2006-02-23 [beautiful _ darkness]: I cant drink its extremely bad for my health and could end me up in the hosptail

2006-02-23 [Lost in Illusions]: I only smoke clove cigarettes... o.o Yes, I realize cloves are probably 30% more harmful than tobaccos, but they taste gooooooood... and i dont have but maybe one or two a day, and even then, it's not everyday. As for drinking, I have a bottle of wine that I got about two weeks ago that I'm still working on.

2006-02-23 [Avoral]: Damn. Sucks to be you, love. But it's probably for the better.

2006-02-23 [Avoral]: Haha. Took my advice and switched to cloves, Kitt?

2006-02-23 [Lost in Illusions]: Nah, I've always loved cloves, but just hadnt had the chance to buy any lately.. I finally found that damned Tobacco Market, though, so now I can binge off of 5$ clove packs ^_^

2006-02-23 [Lost in Illusions]: and that's t3h Kitt, to you, buddy.

2006-02-23 [Avoral]: Oh, it's anything I feel like to me, Squiggles.

2006-02-23 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: ::watches amused and lights another cig:: ((damn... I ran out of cigarettes and money IRL... :( Ish sad.))

2006-02-23 [Lost in Illusions]: Squiggles... where do I know that from? Futurama? Feh, call me what you want, but you're still Avoral to me ^_^ Even if your name is Anthony...>_>

2006-02-23 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: ::smiles and blows some smoke:: So... THAT'S his "other" name...

2006-02-23 [beautiful _ darkness]: I usally just end being called Fall or Autumn -shrugs-

2006-02-23 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: And I'm always called Jino... even people that know my real name call me Jino... EVEN MY TEACHERS CALL ME JINO!

2006-02-23 [beautiful _ darkness]: hehe yea my teachers call me fall too

2006-02-24 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: ...why?

2006-02-24 [beautiful _ darkness]: dont know they just started calling it this year... my real name is autumn so it makes sense I gues

2006-02-24 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: True... you remind me of something I told a friend about an hour ago:"Life is like a river. And we are leaves of fall, drifting on the surface, waiting to get soaked and sink."

2006-02-24 [beautiful _ darkness]: that is an intersting saying I like it thou

2006-02-24 [Avoral]: Heraclitus would be proud.

2006-02-24 [Lost in Illusions]: *beams* Hiraclitus' simple principle demonstrating change.. "Just like a flowing river, all is flux." Everyone is getting to know me as "Kitt" nowadays.. the only ones that call me my birthname are my parents.

2006-02-24 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: But... I don't know tou as Kitt! I all you Melancholy.

2006-02-24 [Avoral]: I know you as Oprah.

2006-02-24 [Lost in Illusions]: Kitt, Squiggles, now Oprah? Jeez, last year, i couldnt keep a nickname to save my life, and this year, I'm getting a new one every five minutes.

2006-02-24 [Avoral]: Shut up, Eels.

2006-02-24 [drakkar]: hes more of an erik i think

2006-02-24 [Avoral]: He is Erik the Rad.

2006-02-24 [drakkar]: da

2006-02-24 [Lost in Illusions]: YAY! I'm rad. ^_^ go meeeee.. Bored. Tired.

2006-02-24 [drakkar]: you should get these cards

2006-02-24 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: Erik, why are you bored?

2006-02-24 [beautiful _ darkness]: I think that bordem is a sign of stupidity. personally

2006-02-24 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: Why? The smarter you are, the easyer you get bored with people and every-day-stuff.

2006-02-24 [beautiful _ darkness]: but smart people should be always able to figure out somthin to do without being bored... really it was what I was taught as a small child is if Im bored Im stupid

2006-02-24 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: Ok, genious, try finding something to do in public transport with a croud around you and 30 minutes of travelling ahead of you. You'd be lucky to survive without losing your mind. I usually just find something to imagine... But... This gets boring as well- one starts longing for the real feel...

2006-02-24 [beautiful _ darkness]: on a bus and how long to wait

2006-02-24 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: Oh, and try waiting 45 minutes for it to arrive first.

2006-02-24 [beautiful _ darkness]: well if I was waiting Id draw or read and on the bus thing I would listen to music and watch people... people are very intersting things the way they move how they talk and how they act

2006-02-24 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: I was talking about a situation where you had nothing to write with/on and no music (like me this last week- can't afford to buy batteries... got in a quarrel with my mum...)) And esides- in public transport people just... sit there, closed inside themselves, hands crossed or holding eachother and stare empty around themselves...

2006-02-24 [beautiful _ darkness]: well I personally always have atleast my sketch book or note book and pen with me not always battiers thou

2006-02-25 [Lost in Illusions]: I've had to do the whole waiting for transportation/long rides before... this is why I have my huge bag-o-tricks.. in it right now, I have my tarot deck and tarot notebook that i record everything in, my japanese book that I'm doing independent studying with, my current book Catcher in the Rye, my other reading "The Book of Zen," along with a couple of notebooks, my dream journal, and my brain-barf book.. Yeah, plenty of reading/writing going on in my world.

2006-02-25 [beautiful _ darkness]: I wish I knew how do tarot (sorry if I spell wrong)

2006-02-25 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: All I usually carry is a plane deck of cards... Shuffelling cards sooths me...

2006-02-25 [Avoral]: Hey, I can handle the public transit situation without being bored.

2006-02-25 [Lost in Illusions]: Most of the time, I'm either sleeping, or i have fun watching people when they're acting like idiots.

2006-02-25 [beautiful _ darkness]: I usally have fun watching people period

2006-02-26 [Avoral]: I wish I had the Magic School Bus.

2006-02-26 [Lost in Illusions]: oooh, that'd be rockin'.. field trips would be so much more fun in the frigid temperatures of outer space.

2006-02-26 [Avoral]: Hell yeah they would.

2006-02-26 [Lost in Illusions]: free souvenier asteoids for everyone! The perfect magmatic-temped pieces of space-rocks to match those freeze-your-ass-off space air-nights.

2006-02-27 [beautiful _ darkness]: lol

2006-02-27 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: Hm... And you get to meet hot alien green-skinned chicks...

2006-02-27 [Lost in Illusions]: oh baby, oh baby...

2006-02-27 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: ::goes "...?"::

2006-02-27 [Avoral]: Alien chicks are so much hotter. Must be that exotic appeal.

2006-02-27 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: Y...up... And the fact that they sometimes have... How can I say it... "Bonus features"?

2006-02-27 [Avoral]: That'd be weird if you could do them in the back of the head.

2006-02-27 [Avoral]: OH MY GOD SHAPESHIFTERS

2006-02-27 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: Erm... No, not the back of the head but... Ah well... Every man has their strange turn-ons...

2006-02-28 [Avoral]: Nah, I just think it'd be strangely weird and abnormal.

2006-02-28 [beautiful _ darkness]: dude shapeshifters would be so damn hot

2006-02-28 [Avoral]: Hell yeah they would. They could be anything you desire--Appearances mean NOTHING when you've got a shapeshifter in the picture.

2006-02-28 [beautiful _ darkness]: yea you just have to hope for maybe a good personality somethin you can deal with for longer then 10mins

2006-02-28 [Avoral]: That's the point.

2006-02-28 [beautiful _ darkness]: but how in the heck could you tell its true gender

2006-02-28 [Lost in Illusions]: easy, if it's a dick, he's got a dick, if it's a bitch, probably doesnt.

2006-02-28 [beautiful _ darkness]: not if its a shape shifter

2006-02-28 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: Au contraire... But... It could be a bi-shape shifter...

2006-02-28 [Avoral]: You couldn't. That's the thing about it. It might even be genderless, as one might expect.

2006-02-28 [Lost in Illusions]: that's what I would anticipate, but since it's a shapeshifter, it could just shift into whatever you desire, for... whatever you desire.

2006-02-28 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: Ok... think something else, that's not a shapeshifter... Hm... A green-furred, extremely hot foxy anthro?

2006-02-28 [Lost in Illusions]: eeewwww, furry fetishes</3.

2006-02-28 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: ::shrugs:: What's wrong with those? I was just trying to jump from the shapeshifters to something else... And it's much better than tentackle fetishes, now, isn't it?

2006-02-28 [beautiful _ darkness]: I have a thing against body hair... dont ask cause I dont know

2006-02-28 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: OK! fine! Hm... ::shrugs:: Then shave. OK! Here- maybe there's beer somewhere in outer-space, that tastes better than our beer.

2006-02-28 [beautiful _ darkness]: maybe who knows

2006-02-28 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: ::shrugs:: And what if they have invented a way for cigarettes to remain the same delicious thing, but to negate the negative effects they have on our bodies...

2006-02-28 [beautiful _ darkness]: I would so smoke them then

2006-02-28 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: ::shrugs:: I would so smoke them then too... Hm... Wait... I still smoke the poison they sell today... ::shrugs:: Ah well... I've picked my poison...

2006-02-28 [beautiful _ darkness]: I dont really have a poision -laughs-

2006-02-28 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: Do you drink any alcohol?

2006-02-28 [beautiful _ darkness]: no no I dont... bad for my daibetes

2006-02-28 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: Oh... Well... Ah... Then your poison is insulin.

2006-02-28 [beautiful _ darkness]: but its not really a poision

2006-02-28 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: Hm... If the dosage of insulin in your body exceeds a certain concentration value... you die. Oh well... Darn... EVERYBODY has SOME poison... Hm... Let's see... Love problems?

2006-03-01 [beautiful _ darkness]: nope dont bother with love right now... yes that is true but usally one can catch it if your not stupid

2006-03-01 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: Ok... darn... What's your poison? ((always wanted to say that... but... In a different situation...))

2006-03-01 [beautiful _ darkness]: no idea really

2006-03-01 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: ::shrugs:: Life?

2006-03-01 [beautiful _ darkness]: yea that works cause it is a poision

2006-03-03 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: See? EVERYBODY has a poison...

2006-03-03 [Avoral]: 'Cept me.

2006-03-03 [Lost in Illusions]: I dont.. I'm immortal! I think. At least, I have been for a the past 20 years.

2006-03-03 [Avoral]: Yeah, I'm working on immortality too. So far, so good.

2006-03-04 [beautiful _ darkness]: -laughs-

2006-03-05 [Panda-monium]: hehe

2006-03-05 [Jino "ChaoS" Silver_flamE]: Hey'we're all immortals until we die!

2006-03-06 [Lost in Illusions]: Precisely.

2006-03-06 [beautiful _ darkness]: i guess that makes sense really

2006-03-06 [Lost in Illusions]: why wouldnt it? You're only mortal when you fulfill that which makes you so: death. As long as you dont die, you're immortal.

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